Technical University of Munich (TUM)
I completed my Bachelor’s in Information Systems at the Technical University of Munich. During my studies I have collaborated with the Chair of Information Systems, as well as the Chair of Applied Software Engineering as a teaching assistant. My bachelor’s thesis was written under the Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems, where I was advised by Professor Alois Knoll and Professor Florian Walter.
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)
Through my university exchange program, I spent a half year in Asia, at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). My courses there focussed mostly on Machine Learning, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Technology. I enjoyed all of the courses very much, and can wholeheartedly recommend this university, if you are thinking about doing an exchange. If you would like to read more about my exchange experience, have a look at my experience report. On the academic side, my exchange was accompanied by a number of interesting topics and projects. For my subjects in financial technology, I did a case study on the growth of Spotify as an example on the rise of E-Commerce, as well as a written NFT contract in Remix, which, coupled together with a third party website and a sophisticated data validator, would constitute an identity for web3. For my course on Data Mining, I developed an ensemble model made up of a rrandom forest, a naive bayes model, and a neural network, which we applied after cleaning and upsampling a dataset on insurance fraud. Overall, the resulting model is estimated to decreases operation cost by about 40%. The course on Fundamentals of AI featured a final project, where I used unsupervised learning to optimize the navigation behavior of two autonomous agents in a large maze, which had to be prevented from crashing. For my last course, Machine Learning, I wrote a conference-style paper on the comparison of different deep learning image-to-image techniques, together with three other exchange students, which we supplemented with a corresponding implementation in pyTorch. Have a look at our presentation, if you would like to delve deeper into this project.
Read more about my exchange experience.
Leibniz University Hannover
After I finished my undergraduate studies, I spent one semester at the University of Hannover, where I took postgraduate courses in the areas of Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Graph-Based Machine Learning. At the time of enrollment, I had already accepted an offer for a postgraduate program at Cornell University, which is why I only spent one semester here.
Cornell University
I am currently doing a Master’s in Computer Science at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. The majority of my courses focus on Machine Learning, and I am also participating in an independent research project under Professor Kevin Ellis.